Macadamia nuts produced in Kenya are known for their high quality and are highly regarded in the international market. Here are some key factors that contribute to the quality of Kenyan macadamia nu

Flavor: Kenyan macadamia nuts are recognized for their rich, buttery flavor. They have a distinct taste that is well-liked by consumers. The favorable growing conditions and cultivars in Kenya contribute to the development of high-quality flavor profiles.

Size: Kenyan macadamia nuts are generally known for their larger size, which is considered desirable. Larger nuts often have a higher meat-to-shell ratio, making them more valuable and sought after.

Texture: Macadamia nuts from Kenya have a smooth and crunchy texture, indicative of good quality. They should be firm and crisp, without any softness or sponginess, providing a satisfying eating experience.

Appearance: Kenyan macadamia nuts typically have a light beige or cream color, indicating freshness. They are visually appealing and should be free from discoloration, excessive darkness, or spots.

Shell Integrity: High-quality macadamia nuts from Kenya have intact shells without cracks or damage. A well-preserved shell helps protect the nut and maintain its quality during storage and transportation.

Moisture Content: Kenyan macadamia nuts are properly dried to maintain an appropriate moisture content. Optimal moisture levels are crucial for ensuring the nuts remain fresh and have an extended shelf life.

Processing: Careful handling and processing practices are employed in Kenya to maintain the quality of macadamia nuts. This includes meticulous sorting, cleaning, and storage methods to preserve freshness and prevent contamination.

Kenya is one of the major macadamia-producing countries, and its macadamia nuts have gained recognition for their quality in global markets. The favorable climate, suitable growing regions, and dedicated farming practices contribute to the production of high-quality macadamia nuts in Kenya.

It's important to note that variations in quality can exist among different macadamia farms and regions within Kenya, as factors such as soil conditions, farming techniques, and post-harvest practices can influence the overall quality. However, overall, Kenya has established a reputation for producing premium macadamia nuts.

Nut count :
200-280 Nuts per/kg

Moisture : 5% max
Packaging & Shipping: Vacuum in plastic bags, and then carton Boxed. Unit weight 11.34 Kgs (25lbs)
Vacuum packed & In Aluminium foil draping.

Unit weight: 11.34 Kgs( 25lbs)
20ft Container FLC-16MT

4OFT Container -25MT
Inspection :


Fine macadamia nuts rich in protein
Fine macadamia nuts rich in protein